Table of Contents

News and events relating to the Soft Reliability project, including some academic project output, are listed below.

Year 2010

NovemberAwarded PhD degree (cum laude) at doctoral defenseProcess Mining: Conformance and Extension“, Anne Rozinat

JuneBoth valorization grant applications have been awarded the phase-2 STW Valorization Grant, i.e., 200 000 EUR for each. More information on the two distinct projects about commercializing research tools for industrial applications can be found at UXsuite and at Fluxicon.

MayAwarded PhD degree at doctoral defense “Soft Reliability in New Product Development“, Aylin Koca

Panel as part of the closing event of the IOP-IPCR project “Managing Soft Reliability

MarchAwarded PhD degree (cum laude) at doctoral defenseQuantifying Diversity in User Experience“, Evangelos Karapanos

Mini-symposium on “Diversity in User Experience”

Submitted two separate applications for the STW Valorisation Grant (phase-2), worth of 400 000 EUR in total, by UXsuite and Fluxicon.

JanuaryInvited for The Internet of Things Symposium at Waag Society, Aylin Koca

Year 2009

DecemberInvited for The Internet of Things Council Launch at Brussels, Aylin Koca.

NovemberWorld Usability Day event at TU Delft, presentation by Aylin Koca.

OctoberMicrosoft Research Cambridge, presentation by Mathias Funk.

SeptemberXerox workshop (Karl Kurz, new unit manager at Xerox), presentation by Anne Rozinat, Aylin Koca, Evangelos Karapanos and Mathias Funk

AugustAndroid observation project finished. This project targeted the Android mobile platform to enable remote observation of phones and applications, and exploring user behavior on-the-go.

JuneBoth valorization grant applications have been awarded the phase 1 STW Valorization Grant, i.e., 25 000 EUR for each. The two distinct projects aim at commercializing research tools for industrial applications. More information about the projects can be found at Fluxicon Process Laboratories and at UXsuite. Furthermore, IOP is generously supporting the two valorization initiatives by awarding each of the 4 PhDs (Anne Rozinat, Aylin Koca, Evangelos Karapanos, Mathias Funk) with personal grants of up to 40 000 EUR each.

MayPhilips Healthcare Workshop at Best, presentation by Anne Rozinat, Aylin Koca, Evangelos Karapanos and Mathias Funk

AprilSubmitted two separate applications for the STW Valorisation Grant (phase 1). More information on STW’s competitive valorization grant scheme is available here (in Dutch). STW is a governmental “technology foundation for funding excellent utilization-oriented technology research at Dutch universities and selected institutions since 1981.”

MarchPhilips AppTech Workshop at Human Centered Solutions Group, presentation by Anne Rozinat, Aylin Koca, Evangelos Karapanos and Mathias Funk

FebruaryPhilips Medical Systems Workshop at TU/e, presentation by Anne Rozinat and Mathias Funk

Starting collaboration with Philips InnoHub, Singapore. A case-study about observation supported usability evaluation of a communication device for elderly is carried out.

JanuaryNederlandse Vereniging voor Risicoanalyse en Bedrijfszekerheidstechniek, NVRB evening of Soft Reliability, presentation by Anne Rozinat, Aylin Koca, Evangelos Karapanos and Mathias Funk

Second part of Océ workshop about adding observation capabilities to a printer prototype. After connecting the prototype to the observation system, the entire workflow of specifying observation, automatic data collection, and subsequent analysis could be demonstrated successfully at TU/e.

Years 2005 - 2008

Find out what happened since the project started in 2005: News archive.