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News Archive

This page is an archive of the news for 2005-2008.

Year 2008

DecemberDPX field study with Philips prototypes to realize the research collaboration amongst project PhDs and to test the joint feedback data evaluation framework, TU/e.

First part of Océ workshop about adding observation capabilities to a printer prototype. The preparation of the printer prototype including connection to an observation module and placement of hooks was demonstrated at Océ/Venlo.

Successful completion of a project at Philips Healthcare in Best. Additional test cases for medical devices are generated based on log data gathered from real product usage. This helps to test the machines based on realistic circumstances.

Two M.Sc. students start working on the parts of the D’PUIS framework. A new platform module for embedded systems is being developed. The students tackle integration and performance issues.

NovemberPhilips mini-symposium entitled “Automated Product Observation & Customer feedback for Connected Products”, as an official wrap-up of the collaboration for the Internet on TV case, Philips Eindhoven & Philips Hong Kong

October The tools developed in the context of the Soft Reliability project are presented on the new tools page together with related technologies.

Second joint paper, resulting from the collaboration between the doctoral candidates of the Soft Reliability project and Philips Consumer Lifestyle, presented at the International Conference on Designing Interactive User Experiences for TV and Video, Silicon Valley, CA, USA

JuneEnd of the joint Internet on TV case study at Philips.

MayPoster, resulting from the collaboration between the doctoral candidates of the Soft Reliability project, presented at the IOP Themadag “Impulsen voor Economie en Samenleving” in Rotterdam.

First joint paper, resulting from the collaboration between all academic participants of the Soft Reliability project, accepted for publication in Quality and Reliability Engineering International

Exploring the industrial potential of research work with advice from business incubators, Eindhoven

AprilStart of second case-study “Internet on TV” with Philips Consumer Lifestyle; data from test products in located at user homes in the UK and Singapore is collected and analyzed

MarchStart of the discussions with Beko (an industrial collaborator), Enschede

FebruaryCase study with Philips Consumer Lifestyle on improving call classification at their call centers (in connection with IBM), Eindhoven

Start of the discussions with RedesignMe (an industrial collaborator), Eindhoven

Year 2007

OctoberStart of the joint Internet on TV case study at Philips Consumer Electronics with Mathias Funk, Aylin Koca, Evangelos Karapanos, Anne Rozinat

SeptemberPaper presented at the INTERACT 2007 Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Evangelos Karapanos

JulyPaper presented at the Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, Evangelos Karapanos

JuneOfficial launch of the Soft Reliability website

JunePaper presented at the International Annual EurOMA Conference, Ankara, Turkey, Aylin Koca

JunePaper presented at the International Product Development Management Conference, Porto, Portugal, Aylin Koca

MayWorkshop for Océ joint case study, Venlo, The Netherlands

AprilOfficial announcement of the move of Aarnout Brombacher’s group within TU/e, from Faculty of Technology Management to Faculty of Industrial Design. The new location in the new academic year will be the main building.

MarchVisit to a Philips call center: SENTO, Metz, France, Anne Rozinat, Aylin Koca

FebruaryVisit to a Philips call center: SENTO, Enschede, The Netherlands, Anne Rozinat, Aylin Koca, Mathias Funk

JanuaryVisit to a Philips call center: SITEL, Arnhem, The Netherlands, Anne Rozinat, Aylin Koca

Year 2006

NovemberSoft Reliability project welcomes on board Mathias Funk

SeptemberAn interview for IOP-IPCR Newsletter (in Dutch) with Aylin Koca, pp.5

JuneA combined internship at the National University of Singapore (Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering) and Philips Singapore, Aylin Koca

JunePaper presented at the IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Singapore, Aylin Koca

Year 2005

NovemberSoft Reliability project started with Anne Rozinat, Aylin Koca, and Evangelos Karapanos